Coming 5th June. A charismatic rebel in 1990s Seattle pulls off an unprecedented string of bank robberies.

Filmed across the US, from the South to the Pacific North West.
In 2017, authorities reopen the investigation into the 1983 murder of a young Black man in Georgia. Broadcast on ABC (US), Sky (UK), Hulu, and premiered Atlanta Film Festival 2020. Filmed on location in Georgia.

Director of Photography on the drama reconstructions.

Nominated for the Documentary Emmy for Best Writing 2021.
Documentary feature. The Tecolotes de los Dos Laredos are the world’s only binational pro baseball team, dividing their home games between stadiums in Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. The film follows the team across 2019, during a staggering low point in border relations. Broadcast on Showtime.
An intimate portrait of the influencer Caroline Calloway, shot on location in Sarasota, Florida. The film explores her life after 'going dark' online and her relationship with the Reddit group dedicated to trolling her, as she speaks to some of its members.

Directed by Nick Hampson
Executive Producer William Fairman
Edited by Florence Kennard
Coloured by Benjamin Rozario
Now Ex. Directed by Joanna Vymeris.
The story of a serial killer and the sister who cleans up after her. Encounters 2019, Underwire 2019 (Nominated - Best Composition), Manchester Film Festival 2020. Released on Omeleto.

Written & directed by Florence Hyde. Starring Yasmin Paige (Submarine) and Gráinne O'Mahony.
Encounters Festival 2019Underwire Festival 2019Manchester Film Festival 2020Omeleto
Now Ex. Starring Lydia West.
Directed by Georgina Hellier. Starring David Sterne & Sid Sagar. Indy Shorts 2023, Discover Film Awards 2023.
Now Ex. Performance and choreography by Josh Denyer. Directed by Joanna Vymeris.

Steadicam by Lee David Brown.
Coloured by Alexandre Nerzic at Creative Outpost.
Directed by Jake Hatt. Freebird Films.